PART II-Just Photos
Prior to the posting of further images involving people of significance, this author, near the end of his planetary existence, forever dreamed of being a hero. Such dreams as those are known to be an aspiration of every awakened American. Those known heroic acts will be labeled "An American Hero." Just a fun project; not requiring much intellectual sophistication.
"I go bye-bye now."
Viewer may use any of the following images for free. None are of digital quality.
One Hillsboro, Illinois snowfall from year 1999.
Date is now upon posting this image November 17, 2009. These three Hillsboro students are ten years older. They walk and play in and near Sweetgum Branch below Mechanic Street.
The school building where these three students met with with me in 1993 has now been demolished. Shown are three of my reading students who never failed in their enthusiasm and support. They surely won't mind my posting their photo here. I say hello to you three; where ever you are. Do I have Alheimer's? No. You are Rebecca, Heather, and Amy. (Or is that "Army?")
Using Sunday, November 15, 2009 for scanning and posting older photos onto rummage and This shot of some tropical coeluses from 1998 take me back to a good year. It was early July when I snapped this shot. The plants flourished during that year. You'd find this picture in scanns of November 15, 2009. Our world has changed since that time. Use the shot for free if you'd like.
Another scann of November 15, 2009 is the entrance to a cave in Western Kentucky- one that could be connected to Mammoth. Evidence is that it had not been previously entered. Lolita and I found several arrow heads here, a clay pipe, and carvings on limestone rock. We stayed comfortable during part of a humid day here.
Waggoner Grade School now serves as a community center. It's called
the Waggoner Centennial Building. The people allowed me to teach there before that school was closed during the 1980's.
Two squirrel's nests in a sweetgum tree are placed amid an eyeblue day in Hillsboro, Illinois. It was November, 1999. Things are to soon change. With
those strokes of white clouds will come a beautiful cover for the land- snow.
Hillsboro, Illinois snowfall from 1998 or 1999. Usually track animals of such days as this- squirrel, rabbit, cat, dog, or some mysterious human;
one with size twelve boots, a child and mother, or a lone female wearing size six or seven. There are scents of perfume and whiffs of the powder-puff. Stimulates ones imagination.
An American HeroFormer U.S. Army, Second Lieutenant Arthur
Volsen and I saved this building, many lives, and much property in Waggoner, Illinois. Details of this incident are found within my story entitled Arthur's Miracle.
Highlights associated with this late 1940's image of Lynmore Avenue,
Macon, Georgia are a 1948 Fleetline Cheverolet owned by Rummage Ira Fulks. Within this image are Sandra Hallman (now deceased), an unidentified friend of Sandra's, and George Harold Fulks, this writer. Martha Dorcas Fulks and Norman Ray Hallman were finalizing their wedding plans. Frank Hallman, Ray's father, was still living.
An 05 portrait of Grandson and Grand-daughter, Austin Finn and Jade Parish. It is now May, 2009. Austin is completing eighth grade and will be a highschool freshman for 2009-10. Jade will begin Kindergarten in August, 2009.
Greatgrandmother Sara Elizabeth Depriest Pinegar nicknamed
"Betty." See story by Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman, a sister.
Youngest child of Sara Elizabeth Depriest Pinegar was Lalus Martin Pinegar of Grand Rivers, Kentucky.(born 6-17-1890>deceased 4-18-1961 of pancreatic cancer) A favorite Uncle of my father, Rummage Ira Fulks, "Little Britches", as he was nicknamed, shared often a part of his experience in France during WWI. That I share one of his moments of triumph with readers a certain story was his
intention. He repeated it often to this writer. Although he was a private in the
U.S. Army Engineers, Uncle Lalus and a man from New York City played a significant
role in the victory over German forces during WWI.
"The Germans were present in large numbers within the Argonne
Forest. Our communications with General Pershing had been severed in so many places
that we lost contact. Our lines could not be restored. A man from New York city and me motorcycled through German lines and back again; I, in the sidecart of a motor-
cycle; and he the operator. It was a treacherous and hazardous ride; some ten miles
East. We made it. I entered the vicinity of General Pershing's tent, gave the password, entered headquarters, and saluted the commander. Delivering a message that
the Germans had taken-up position within the forest and were preparing to advance and outflank us, we then commenced our journey back to American lines. General
Pershing issued an order for an artillery barrage and infantry into the Argonne Forest. The Germans began to withdraw and surrender in mass; leaving many wounded and dead behind. That was the beginning of their defeat, and the man from New York and I had gone through German fire in order to deliver an important message. I could never find the man from New York following the war's end. He may not have survived."
In this image, the time was 1949 and the setting- Carie Pinegar Fulks farm in the shadows of Jennie Ridge, Trigg County, Kentucky. Located three miles northeast of Golden Pond, Rummage and his family were visitors from Georgia.
We were somewhat a sorry lot, but Grandmother was proud of her grandchildren and pleased to have company. There was the best of coffee, plenty of homemade apple
tarts, and Grandmother's sugar-cured. hickory-smoked ham. Also included were summer
mornings cooled by the forests and creek. The air was the freshest available other than the Alps.
Rocky road leading east and uphill passed by farms belonging to William and Eulah Holland, Shirley Colson, Luke Ingram, Ferguson Springs, a junction to Cadiz, and the Cumberland River.(A walk southwest in the opposite direction would end at Golden Pond, Kentucky.)
Images of daughter Tracy Denise Fulks Beckham as a freshman in
highschool. Residing within a tiny village located in rural America-the Midwestern
Cornbelt, the schools mantained a well-disciplined and controlled environment. To have been placed within that school was truly a blessing.
Images of Euphama Fulks Jackson from 1947 or 48 at Grandmother's
farm on Crooked Creek, Trigg County, Kentucky. In year, 2009, my sister is now seventy-eight years of age and resides in Round Oak, Georgia.
During the 1950's, this writer was a listener, dancer, adventurer,
and dreamer. Every jukebox in southeast Georgia, every dance-hall, and every party echoed "Blueberry Hill" from its ceilings and walls. That was a journey into the world of Fats Domino. Spotting his photo on net was a pleasure. Happy to see that
Fats Domino survived hurricane Katrina. I go bye-bye, New Orleans.
On the day of this visit to Harvel, Illinois, the day was a
February of 2009, and the temperature reached into the upper 40's. Mary Tenbusch was raking leaves. This writer was clearing fallen sticks from the lawn of a house
he and his ex-spouse owned. A few farm implements and workers in trucks passed by.
This view is east from Harvel's Main Street toward HW48 and the Illinois Central
Railroad. On the left down Main Street are Fire Department, Town Hall, and U.S. Post
Office. On the right along a sidewalk are Shortie Neunaber's mobile home, an old bank building that went broke during the American Depression, a gymnasium and community center, and what was once a mechanical repair shop; now home for a water-softening business. Across railroad tracks and HW48 is the Harvel Grain Elevator. Social conflicts and crimes were very
rare there.
Jo-jo located in scans of June 2009/Shown is the only known photo
of my Amazon Red-winged parrot from 1994. Jo-jo accompanied this writer on a primitive camping expedition to Craven's Bay on Lake Barkley, Kentucky during 1996. We two shared a true ghost, witnessed a crime, and shared a visit from a copperhead snake that gained entry into the cab of my 1986 Nissan PU. How I'm so fortunate as to have been cast into such experiences has forever remained a mystery to me. I feel
strongly that parts of LBL are truly "haunted." Such a statement defies sound reasoning and good sense, but I can vouch for certain unexplainable events there.
Reader may download from index page and read the following two haunt stories: (1)The Craven's Bay Ghost; (2)two more haunts are within the text of Grandfather, Mattie Mandard Fulks This wtiter suspects that such incidents may lend credibility to the concept of existence of parallel worlds.
June 09 scan of this writer/Almost surely, this image would carry a "Hey-boy" theme. The landscape there is Raymond, Illinois was not scenic. The most important fact was that the farmland there was productive. What is seen was the property of George Van Zant. That stormdamaged tree in the background was
removed later in 1992 and was a hive for wild honeybees. The bees all abandoned that
hollowed-out maple and massed upon a small bush near the entrance to the mobilehome
I occupied. I telephoned a beekeeper. He brought his PU and a wooden box. All those bees entered blissfully into that box, and the beekeeper drove away. Those were happy times. I was somewhat a useless object in the community; not important enough to attract much attention. "Hey-boy! What are you up-to? You better stay in your place!" And we did so-much of the time.
scan from June 09 entitled "harveljail"/ From left to right are
two Harvel, Illinois children and Tracy Denise Fulks, my daughter, from 8/3/92. This iron cage served as jail for Harvel
during earlier times. Having four bunkstyle beds, the jail had a secure lock. How frequently it was used is a matter for ancient historians. For a time, it was on display at Harvel Park on the grounds of the former Harvel Grade School.

Finding an batch of old photos one has forgotten he had is interesting. Here's my daughter and two of her friends on a rockpile outside Harvel.
The four of us were on bicycles, and the ride was only one mile. Those children may
have their own children now. Tracy, the daughter, has a boy named Mason, and he's five years old. I think the year was 1992.
Kristal Vanessa Fulks Durbin Poggi in Waco, Texas.(1990)
Connie Limey and my youngest daughter, Tracy Denise Fulks during
a visitation following divorce. Paying expenses for two different households was
difficult for a time, but the school district raised my salary in order to make life easier. Food and money from Chuck, Connie, and Lorena assisted me during these
difficult times. I still owe them money, but prior to their moving, the debt was written off.
Must of been 1999 when Kristal drove Devin Durbin and me to Jolliette, Illinois where we caught Amtrac back to Carlinville, Illinois. Among the
interesting places we visited were all the museums, Toy World, Brookport Zoo, and
Video World. Surely, the most interesting for me was "the Chicago North Side Monster Exhibit." It's difficult for me to believe that the animated monster displays there were not real. Still have nightmares over that visit.
Photo of locomotive snapped in 1999 as Devin and I waited to catch
Amtrac back to Carlinville, Illinois. Without the powerful and wealthy who provided
financing for railroad construction, the U.S.A. would not have survived as a nation
through the twentieth century.
Working on an improved image for presidents of the U.S.A. Obama's image was spoiled by a tobacco particle on the scanner. That was not an intentional error.
From a July/2009 computer image is a shot from the Hubble Telescope/A huge blackhole located within the Milky Way Galaxy/A presentation by a NASA scientist during the 1980 was of special interest to this writer. That scientist presented the concept that evidence leads to conclusions that the entire
universe is most similar to a "thought."
Daughter Tracy Denise Fulks as she appeared during dance recital and as a first grader
The Mississippi River near Alton, Illinois and one of the casinos. In
the distance may be the point at which Lewis and Clark during their 1803 expedition.