("You'll never be a man, George. You'll always be just a little boy.") |
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george fulks/June28, 2011: photo rejects
Occupying my present Hillsboro, Illinois residence in September, 1996, a member of the fire department lived in this house behind me.
Brother-in-law Bernard L. Jackson caught this eight pound catfish in Georgia
during 1968. Member of "Woodsmen Of The World," Bernard shared with me love of the outdoors. An extremely knowledgable wildlife man was he.
Overheard a Staunton, Illinois woman as she conversed with a friend. "There's a
lot of white trash that has moved into Staunton now. We used to have good schools,"
she said. "They let their dogs loose. The town is not the way it used to be." As I
exited that "Everything Is A Dollar Store," I am reminded of how difficult it is to
walk and work within the Patrician class of the ancient Roman descendants. They still try to rule in that manner.
Working with students needing supplementary assistance in gaining early reading skills, my own background was such that I was able to attain a link with them. This
particular group consisted of students whose parents were young and had yet to attain great wealth. What they had gained from inheritance did not allow those students to attain income levels comparable to those of the Patrician class in society. America is a great place. The three are now wealthy people- thirty or more years later. So am I.
(Here's another group of high achievers.)Attaining means to provide for oneself and his family food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment, clean air and water, and a sense of having the right to exist on
planet Earth defines most clearly what is wealth or what is poverty. America is a
fantastic place.(Down With The Patrician Class!!)
Graveside services for Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman were held in early July of 2011. Seventy nine years of age, she was a daughter of Rummage Ira and Ella Belle Abbott Fulks- both predeceased.
Sisters and brother of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman. A photo snapped by Misty Jackson at Round Oak, Georgia on July 12, 2011 on the day following services for Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman, our beloved sister.
Children of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman on the occasion of her funeral services on July 11, 2011. Left to right are my nephews and neice: Norman Ray Hallman Junior,
Mark anthony Hallman, Wanda Faith Hallman, and Frank Hallman. Photo by George Harold Fulks at graveside.
Samantha, Cameron, Cathy Rogers Hallman, and nephew, Frank Hallman. Wife and children of Frank Hallman, photo was snapped by George Harold Fulks, an uncle, on July 12, 2011 on the day of funeral services for Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman.

A photo taken on July 12, 2011 by Misty Jackson of surviving sisters and brother of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman after Martha's funeral. Shown are Euphama Fulks Jackson, George Harold, and Betty Jean Fulks Garvin.(Misty Jackson is a daughter of Darrell Jackson-one Euphama Fulks Jackson's sons.)
A second camera shot taken by George Harold Fulks, their uncle, of Smantha, Cameron, Cathy Rogers Hallman, and their father and husband, Frank Hallman on July 11, 2011 on the occasion of the furneral of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman.
Here are the parents of Cathy Rogers Hallman- Grandfather and Grandmother of Samantha and Cameron Hallman. Photo taken by George Harold Fulks.(July 11, 2011)
Second shot of the same subjects as above
George Harold Fulks attaches many possible interpretations of this interesting photo exposure. For present time, it is symbolic of the interval that separates life
and death- none.
This shot of Samantha Hallman was snapped by George Harold Fulks as she departed
her residence to visit friends on July 12, 2011.
Flood waters of The Mississippi River on the bridge from Illinois to Maryland Heights, Missouri. (June, 2011) Photo by George Harold Fulks.
Seventy-nine year old Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman deceased as a consequence of
heart surgury during July, 2011. Now only three of the children of Rummage Ira Fulks
and Ella Belle Abbott Fulks survive.
Someone snapped this shot of George Harold Fulks and Wanda Faith Hallman Minisco
following graveside services for my sister and her mother on July 11, 2011.(Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman)
With Thomas, Iva, and Huey Chesser, George Harold Fulks, then a teen, endured and
survived a hurricane with wind velocity of 125 MPH. The house is tin roofed and sits
on cypress stilts. The wooden foundation is secured by wooden pins and was constructed in such manner as to survive such storms.
Home of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman who is now deceased.
One of the family favorites in Georgia is a retired U.S. Air Force officer named
Bob Campbell. Special companion and friend of Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman and the family, George Harold Fulks snapped this shot as Bob exited the cemetary of the day of my sister's funeral services.
Bruce Jackson, son of Sister Euphama Fulks Jackson, Round Oak, Georgis, drove me
four miles to his rural residence. I, George, snapped this shot of what appears to be a beaver dam. Muddy water and missing trees lend evidence to a beaver dam theory.
The dog, Jack and George Harold Fulks, at Carie Atlantic Gerthie Dell Pinegar Fulks' farm five miles Northeast of Golden Pond, Kentucky. Subject is about eleven years old. Within the household with Grandmother were Wilmus Avel and Herbert Buford
In this photo, Martha Dorcas Fulks Hallman is about sixteen years old. Rummage,
Ella, George, Alice Faye, Betty Jean, and Euphama live at Five Points..Jones County,
Georgia which was eleven miles North of Gray. We had moved from Lyon County, Kentucky during 1945.