Cheverolet Cavalier-A Maintenance Diary
commenced on October 1, 2010/George Harold Fulks/ South Jefferson Street, Hillsboro, Illinois 62049/Ph 217-532-3883/occupation retired.
Purchasing a 2004 Cheverolet Cavalier during April 2007, I was not disturbed that
this vehicle has a standard shift transmission and few luxury items. It seemed to be just the appropriate vehicle for my use. With four forward gears and reverse, my
luck in keeping it moving has been good thus far.
All the salespeople and maintenance personnel were in good mental health as evidenced by their cordiality and appearance. Even if a customer such as I does not
meet that criteria, the Smokey Jennings Dealership will still make an effort at accommodation. I trust them and would deal with them again should the need arise. The customer gets free coffee, his vehicle washed, and a welcome kiss from a lovely female receptionist.
Now into the year 2010, I let a softball fall on top of a rear fender. I've been told it can't be repaired. Nonetheless, I've kept the oil changed regularly, and have tried to keep the exterior and interior clean and sanitary. That's not easy.
Now it's October 2010, and something disasterous has comeup. On a day last week,
my Cavalier wouldn't start. Allowing it to sit and doing a fifteen minute witch-dance
around the vehicle, the car started and has not failed to start since.
"What could be the problem?" I asked. A diagnostician checked it out today, September 30, 2010. A computer chip costing $243 is reason that a tiny wrench and check security system lightedup behind the steeringwheel. "You'll have to have that
part replaced. It'll probably get worse and worse. The part costs $243, and we have to order it from Springfield. Do you want me to order it? I had to have that done to my vehicle too."
"Yes, I answered. "I can't walk here because I'm not half the man as are my contemporaries. If I make any effort to walk or use any of the public facilities, someone will antagonize me without president. I just suppose I'm not a G.I. Joe stero-type- the kind of American who can fight and win and can't be defeated either physically or verbally. Each day is a challenge for dominance- a combat situation of some kind. One better not try to defend himself. Many are tough and rough. I'd better have my automobile repaired."
The work is scheduled for Monday, October 4 at 10:00 A.M. In a panic situation now and asking, where's the money to pay to come from? There's only $15 in egg money, another $20 from aluminum cans I've hoarded, and there's that money I had put aside to gamble. I'm up hoot hollow on how to pay. There is a way. A $10 can be disguised to appear as $100. There's gold coins that people lost during the 18th century. They're buried everywhere. I'll borrow Jessie's metal detector.
Visiting The Dealership And The Work
A new ignition system was installed; requiring about an hour of labor. Cost was
$310. Actually, the ignition system containing the security sensor was about $20 less than originally quotated. A trip to a neighboring village today indicates that that my mechanical problem has been remediated.
Now there are two additional problems with my 2004 Cavalier. Tire tred on the front are not yet dangerous, but I need to replace them before taking a long journey. I asked the auto salesman if any part of a vehicle is harmed by using one of those cans of spray tire-inflator. "It's alright to use them," he said. "You have to remember though that the glue in those cans makes it impossible to balance a tire. They won't work if there's too large a hole in a tire".
Tire pressure recommended for my small Chevy is 35 pounds. The right front tire on
passenger side is down three pounds. Not being trained in auto mechanics, I don't know what to do about that tire. I'm scAred to death of an air-compressor. I was threatened once by a badger while at a zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado. That badger threatened me and couldn't get along with the other badger that shared its
cage. A foxbat hissed at me once in the same manner. Cowardly lion???