Part III, Just Photos
Jade Parish and her cat/Five year old Grand-daughter of George H. and Hazel L. Fulks. My own adopted cat shown elsewhere is a different one. Time of posting this image was June-2010.
White bear of this kind inhabit Sweetgum Branch- site of my residence in Hillsboro, Illinois. Occasionally, they are allowed to enter the house, and these bear are gentle, intelligent, and affectionate. Other animals are fond of them, and so am I. Estimated population within the Hillsboro area is 500- at least one hundred that are cubs.
Daughter of George H. and Hazel L. Fulks as a five year old. Year was about 1987.
We then resided in Harvel, Illinois. That was prior to the break-up of our marriage.
Is this bird an egret or Great Blue Heron?(It's a Great Blue Heron) When questioned, it failed to respond. One eye stared at me as I snapped this shot from ten yards away. Visited during November, 2009.
It was December, 2009. Kristal and my grandson Devin Durbin visited
and shared some conversational time. Highschool creative activities are both challenging and entertaining for students. Twenty-five dollars for tickets? That's a good fundraiser. Devin's choice of hairstyle is based on a primal memory of ancient Roman times. That is satisfactory to me.
Somewhere within my ancient photos was this canine. Somehow in my mind, he's associated with the city water department. "There's a leak here. We're losing 500 gallons an hour. Let's bring the crew down here as soon as possible".
Dolls found on fireplace mantle of my home in Havel, Illinois/uploaded on April 17, 2010
Useful places for animals and reptiles, this drain off HW 16 near Taylor Springs, Illinois catches a writer's fantasy. It could be a passageway leading to any destination one might imagine.
Here associated with one of many insults one hears in the community and inability
to communicate verbally. Who are the teachers? Such insults and labels are convenient methods of closeting and filing of some citizens as useless. You're specialists.
Charlton County Highschool, Folkston, Georgia, as in most small cities in Georgia, produced football teams. Those Friday night games brought a large crowd, and this writer was usually a fan in attendance.
Teaching at Livingston County Highschool in Kentucky and the Panhandle Unit in Raymond, Illinois, neither district fielded a football team. That was something I missed and a reason for choosing Hillsboro, Illinois as my residence following retirement. Verbal abuse was a problem here. Several public facilities and conveniences are apparently restricted to members of what must amount to fraternal organizations. There seems to be a fraternal order of everything. Anybody not kissing their asses is labeled bum, useless, or homo-sexual. I've learned to survive with it by developing interests in private activities on a small lot. It's alright. At least for a time, I have a place to live. I've not been seen with you- have I?
Estimated is that what is the present highschool was constructed during the 1920's. How pleased were the students, teachers, and parents when they first moved into this building.
What is now the Waggoner Centennial Building was once a highschool. Later it served as a center for grades 1-8. Prior to its closing during the late 1980"s , it was an attendance center for students in grades 1-4. Built in 1914, it remains structurally sound. That school was well-maintained.
Think that this sculpture in my yard is a "Great Horned" owl. They're especially active in the woodlands of Western Kentucky after darkness. Part of my youth spent near the Great Okefenokee Swamp provided for me the experience of enjoying the sounds made by the Earth's nocturnal creatures. There were also the "chuck-wills-widow" and a "whip-poor-will." Bear would come to the window of my bedroom and stare as I was drifting into sleep. I wouldn't trade anything for those experiences. That's one of the paths "least chosen by man."(My father, Rummage Fulks chose that route.) Was that verse written by Someset Mohon? I'll soon learn.
Here's a NASA shot from Apollo, the first moon lander. That event is ranked by me as one of the highlites of my life.
One reason for placing Hassie Higgins on is that she is one of the students I met at Ferguson Springs School(Trigg County, Kentucky) during a visit in 1944. Life was really tough for me in many instances. People often tried to make things difficult for me. That's especially painful when one lacks the intelligence and other attributes to see past those obstacles others place in ones way. I survived. I often ask: "did Hassie Higgins?"Recently learned that Ggmother Nancy Emeline Mitchell Fulks, wife of Henry Andrew Jackson Fulks II was an offspring of the family of Higgins. Nancy was born in South Carolina during 1842, and deceased during 1911 in Lyon County, Kentucky. (Lyon County may have been Caldwell County in 1842.) Nancy's father, David Mitchell married Matilda Higgins.
Jennifer's automobile was $1200, and it was paid in installments.
Just an older car that had many miles. It served h er well for a couple of years. Wish I could have provided for her better. "Dad, you're a bum." Perhaps that's what they said.
There were John, Shirley, Little John, and Shirley's father, Peter Steinbaum. At one time there was a Janice Lawson, Herman Steinbaum, and John Smith Junior's Father. However would the Fulks family have survived without the Steinbaum's? Meeting Shirley's father Peter Steinbaum was a treat. He was a WWI veteran and had served in the German army; but a splendid man.
Image is of George Fulks' daughter, Kristal Vanessa and LaVerne Rico who were in cosmotology training during 1992/Do you remember Fort Hood and Killeen, Texas during 1992? A flat tire under the pitch-black on a East Texas road and the ice and snowpack through Oklahoma. There was Crider, Oklahoma and a native-American village. A muddy roadway up a steep incline, and the road disappeared far up that hillside. Courage and determination. Finally pulling into the driveway at Harvel, Illinois in the early darkness past 2:00 A.M.
Here are three of Livers vehicles. First emcounter with the girl named Liver was at Hidden Springs Campground near Shelbyville, Illinois. That was in the year 1996. Visiting several primitive campgrounds during that Spring and Summer, Hidden Springs was the most peaceful.
Kristal and Jennifer Fulks during the 1970's
Here are Tracy Fulks, my daughter, and Kevin Kaufmann in what was
probably 1990. Here they dig for treasure.
Caption: When someone snapped this photo of sister, Mattie Dorcas Fulks Hallman,
she was about eighteen and seated on the first pier of a firetower at Five Points,
Firetower Road.(near Wayside, Georgia) It was 1946 or 47.